Future Leaders

Networking. Professional Development. Succession Planning.

ALFA International’s Future Leaders Practice Group provides young attorneys with the professional development and practical skills needed to become the next generation of leaders who will carry ALFA International into the future.

For any organization, the search to find the next generation of leaders is often time-consuming and daunting, yet critical to the continued success of the organization. ALFA International recognizes this challenge and has launched the Future Leaders Practice Group (FLPG) to implement our strategic commitment to developing our young attorneys’ leadership skills to sustain and grow the ALFA International network for years to come.

FLPG members are attorneys who have been in practice less than 15 years and were nominated to join the group by seasoned ALFA International members from their respective firms. Members of the FLPG will learn valuable networking and business development skills and receive guidance for navigating and adapting to increased responsibility in their practice. In addition, they will be trained on how to become successful participants in the ALFA International network by learning about their ALFA International firm colleagues and being educated by ALFA International clients regarding their expectations for outside counsel.

Senior attorneys within ALFA International will mentor members of the FLPG as they are integrated into ALFA International’s various practice groups. FLPG members will be provided with opportunities to present on a panel with an experienced lawyer at one of ALFA International’s regional practice group seminars or webinars. This “front of the room” experience will eventually lead to opportunities to participate as a presenter at a national ALFA International seminar. They will also contribute by writing and editing legal compendia and white papers, giving FLPG members exposure to different firms and client contacts worldwide.

Getting “buy-in” from FLPG members now and providing them with incentives to invest in the ALFA International network will not only benefit the attorneys and firms themselves but will provide clients with the assurance that ALFA International member firms will meet their business needs over the long haul. The FLPG also plans to include future leaders from client companies in their endeavors as the forum develops.

Client Advisory Board (CAB)

The ALFA International Future Leaders Practice Group is grateful to have the  following clients contribute to our ongoing success by participating in our Client Advisory Board:

  • Hannah Schmidt, Lead Attorney, Ameritas Life Insurance Company
  • Adebola Lamikanra, Associate Counsel, Genuine Parts Company
  • Heather Magnuson, Senior Counsel, Shaw Industries Group, Inc.
  • Jeff Kaplan, Risk Manager, United Parcel Service, Inc.




Job Fickett
Jacksonville, FL
United States
Email Attorney
Andre J. Webb
Philadelphia, PA
United States
Email Attorney
Michelle Storm
Albany, NY
United States
Email Attorney
Molly Humphreys Teas
San Diego, CA
United States
Email Attorney

Practice Areas

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Upcoming Events


2026 Future Leaders Practice Group Seminar

The 2026 ALFA International Future Leaders Seminar will take place February 4-6, 2026...

Past Events


2024 Future Leaders Practice Group Seminar

The 2024 ALFA International Future Leaders Seminar will take place October 9-11, 2024...

2022 Future Leaders Forum Seminar

The 2022 Future Leaders Forum Seminar  was presented on September 21-22, 2022, at the...

2021 Webinar: Remote Considerations: Ethical Concerns Beyond the Pandemic

The Future Leaders Forum hosted a complimentary webinar on August 25, 2021, ...

Publications & News


A/C/R, a Dynamic New Chilean Firm, Joins ALFA International

ALFA International (ALFAI) is excited to announce that ...

Lewis Thomason (Knoxville & Nashville, TN) Elects Brad W. Craig as Board Member

Lewis Thomason’s shareholders have elected Brad W. Craig, a shareholder from the firm’s Nashville office to the firm’s Board...

What Every Young Lawyer Should Know – From a Senior Company Representative’s Perspective

Building Relationships with Managing Partners Building a relationship with a mentor can be a crucial step in adv...