On-Demand Webinar Recordings
The following is a list of compiled recordings from ALFA International CLE Webinars.
Click the plus sign next to the webinar title you wish to view and then click View Webinar Recording.
Please note that some states do not offer CLE credit for viewing webinars online. Click HERE if you have questions regarding the requirements for obtaining CLE credit in your state.
Please note webinar recordings will no longer be accessible for viewing after three years.
DE&I and Ethics Webinars
This presentation will review the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, which declared consideration of race in university admissions policies violated the Equal Protection Clause. Since the decision in June 2023, SFFA v. Harvard has been cited in numerous cases around the country, not only in higher education admissions policies but also in the employer-employee context, including discrimination claims against private employers. Additionally, the webinar plans to highlight and discuss select employment cases affected by the SCOTUS decision while addressing the impact of the SCOTUS decision on DEI efforts and recommend approaches to diversity initiatives in the private sector. Please note that this webinar has been approved for 1 hour of Professional Responsibility credit in Illinois.
There is an ever-expanding understanding of the importance and value of intentional diversity and inclusion efforts and an important piece of inclusion efforts should be the recognition of important holidays and events to the increasingly diverse and multicultural nature of our respective organizations. BUT there are over 200 holidays and events that celebrate diversity and inclusion. With the breadth of worthy celebrations, how does your organization select the right ones to recognize? And once you select which holidays to recognize, how should they be celebrated? While there is no perfect method to make these decisions, the panelists discuss suggestions, ideas and tips on what steps your organization can take to be intentional in the decision-making process. CLE credit can be acquired in most states for this webinar. Please note that this webinar has been approved for 1 hour of Professional Responsibility credit in Illinois.
This webinar is an encore presentation of a session from ALFA International’s International Client Seminar (ICS) this past March. Workplace discrimination has been prohibited in the United States since 1964, yet a recent study supported by the ABA Foundation confirms that our current legal processes may actually exacerbate employment discrimination. During this session, the panel suggests the system fails because of the toxic consequences of shaming, as described by Brené Brown and others. The panel addresses how both the system and the roles we play in it can and should be transformed.
This webinar is an encore presentation of a session from ALFA International’s International Client Seminar (ICS) this past March. During this session, the panel discusses how 2020 was a year of change in ways most of us could not even imagine in 2019. From a pandemic that shut down the world and impacted women and minorities more sharply than white men, to protests over police violence and racial inequality in our criminal justice system, to a Supreme Court decision over LGBTQ rights in the workplace, to a new woman Supreme Court justice appointed weeks before the presidential election, there was unprecedented change in the world as we know it. As those who work in law and our system of justice, it is our dual privilege and responsibility to leverage our positions to cause positive change in 2021 and beyond in response to the events of 2020. This panel focused on how we can start discussions and bring the positive changes home to our own workplaces to increase both diversity and inclusion in our everyday world.
This webinar is an encore presentation of a session from ALFA International’s International Client Seminar (ICS) this past March. During this session, the panel discusses how blind spots and Amygdala Hijacks are two of the deadliest barriers to strong interpersonal relationships and healthy organizations. Successfully uncovering blind spots and avoiding Amygdala Hijacks depends on individual self-awareness and a willingness to address both issues. If you find yourself unaware of blind spots and experiencing untimely and frequent emotional outbursts, the tips and stories offered in this webinar will help you toward a trajectory of greater Emotional Intelligence and improved relationships, both at the office and at home.
The webinar panelists share ways to ensure you are aware of unconscious biases, which aid in more sound decision making whether that be in your place of employment or in the courtroom.
COVID-19 created unprecedented situations in every job and industry, including the legal field. Change, evolution and adaptation became commonplace as everyone learned how to continue operating at both work and home. Law firms sent their workforces home to keep them safe, but also had to keep the lights on, continue to zealously advocate for and represent their clients and abide by their ethical duties. One area where ethical questions arose involved the virtual practice of an attorney. As remote work is here to stay, this webinar addressed Formal Opinion 498 from the American Bar Association (ABA), which provides guidance on various ethical duties surrounding virtual practice. This webinar explored the rules articulated in the guidance, discussed German/European counterparts and perspectives and provided practical ways to abide by ethical rules while working remotely.
2025 Practice Group Webinars
The Transportation Practice Group hosted a complimentary webinar on March 18, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “To Subscribe, or Not to Subscribe, That Is the Question: An Analysis of the Texas Workers’ Compensation System.” CLE credit can be acquired in most states for this webinar.
The panel will discuss the Texas Workers’ Compensation system, dive into the pros and cons of both subscribing and not subscribing to the system and then hear two competing perspectives from companies on why they opted in or out.
2024 Practice Group Webinars
The Transportation Practice Group hosted a complimentary webinar on February 20, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “Brain Games—Mastering the Role Neuropsychological Testing Can Play in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation.”
While the accidents haven’t changed, the injuries alleged have. Allegations of closed head and traumatic brain injury (TBI) are consistently on the rise in trucking litigation. This session, which features a practicing clinical neuropsychologist and an expert in jury psychology, will examine why closed head injury allegations are so prevalent in today’s claims, the evidence claimants and their experts are using to support TBI claims, the proper testing to evaluate such claims, discovery necessary to evaluate the claims and an enlightening discussion of how juries evaluate TBI claims and the evidence presented in support and defense of such claims.
The Construction Law Practice Group hosted a complimentary webinar on April 25, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “Reduce Litigation Risks by Incorporating Resiliency into the Built Environment.”
Construction litigation is expensive and time-consuming, involving multiple parties pointing fingers at each other for project delays, problems with the installation process and/or defects in the final product. These problems will only increase as climate change makes designing and constructing the built environment more challenging, thereby increasing the risks of litigation. All parties involved in a construction project, however, can take steps to reduce these risks by analyzing and addressing the potential climate-change-related issues that could arise in their region, from extreme rain events and extreme heat to flooding and sea level rise at the beginning of a construction project. This webinar will explain the difference between resiliency and sustainability, why resiliency is important and how it can be incorporated into your next project.
The Transportation Practice Group hosted a complimentary webinar on June 18, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “Current Status of Broker Liability – Preemption and Legislative Action.”
In this one-hour presentation, we will discuss the changing landscape of broker liability, including the impact and potential impact of proposed legislation and regulations. We will also review the status of defenses and claims such as federal preemption, right to control, and carrier selection.
The Africa and Middle East Regional Group hosted a complimentary webinar on June 26, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “Construction & Infrastructure: Is PPP Still the Right Structure for Africa and Middle East Major Projects?”.
Throughout Africa and the Middle East, governments and the private sector have a long history of collaborating to carry out energy, infrastructure and construction projects. The PPP model has pros and cons, particularly where these jurisdictions tend to deal with uncodified or other clear legal PPP frameworks in place. This session will explore trends and themes in the approach to such projects while exploring whether PPP remains a suitable model, even in whatever form it takes on the ground.
The Insurance Practice Group will be hosting a complimentary webinar on August 6, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “Shifting the Risk: Additional Insureds and Indemnity.”
In this one-hour presentation, we will cover the ins and outs of additional insurance issues commonly presented in various forms of civil litigation, recent developments in the types of additional insurance endorsements commonly found in commercial general liability policies and the manner in which courts across the country have interpreted such endorsements. Additionally, the webinar will cover general issues of indemnity, carrier defense obligations, equitable allocation of such fees and costs among multiple carriers on the risk and effective approaches for minimizing exposure in such situations.
The Transportation Practice Group hosted a complimentary webinar on December 9, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “Are We Drinking the Kool-Aid? Checking Yourself with a Mock Trial.”
Working on a case over a long period of time can result in a loss of objectivity, and a mock trial can provide the reality check the participants need. But they provide tons of other critical information beyond an outside view of the case. Join the panel to discuss the utility of mock trials and other evaluation tools. The panel will cover theory testing, witness evaluation, evidence selection and refinement, case evaluation and more.
The Insurance Practice Group hosted a complimentary webinar on December 10, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “Establishing Good Faith in the World of Bad Faith.”
The panel will address the rise of bad faith litigation throughout the United States and the means of defeating such claims. Topics will include common affirmative defenses, litigation strategies, and effective claims-handling methods to establish good faith efforts on behalf of the carrier in myriad situations that commonly give rise to allegations of bad faith by insurance carriers. Approaching the discussion from a 1000-foot view, the panel will address identifiable differences in state law approaches to bad faith and various state-specific nuances to litigating these actions.
2023 Practice Group Webinars
The Construction Law Practice Group presented a complimentary webinar on March 15, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “What’s Worse, COVID-19 or Its Aftermath? Force Majeure and Disputes Pre- and Post-COVID.”
As the world moves beyond COVID-19, the aftermath of COVID-19 remains. This presentation will examine the status of current disputes. The presentation will examine methods to manage cost escalation, whether supply chain problems are resolved, and disputes related to additional compensation. Achieving awards of additional compensation for lost productivity and material escalation continues to be the center of disputes, to which force majeure is not always applicable. Further, this presentation will examine developing case opinions regarding COVID-19 as more and more courts have returned decisions on appeals as cases regarding COVID-19 make their way through the pipeline.
The Business Litigation and Labor & Employment Practice Groups hosted a complimentary webinar on December 13, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “Navigating the Maze: Recent Trends and Strategies in Enforcing Restrictive Covenants Across State Lines.”
Arm yourself with practical strategies for businesses and legal professionals seeking to enforce restrictive covenants. Join us for a dynamic webinar as we delve into the ever-evolving landscape of restrictive covenants, from focusing on non-solicits and confidentiality clauses to navigating the nuances of non-competes with multi-state employment. Explore recent case decisions from states actively narrowing enforceability, shedding light on fact patterns that can impact your business. Uncover the intricate interplay of public policy and choice of law for companies operating interstate, and gain insights into how these factors can influence the enforceability of restrictive covenants. Delve into the blue pencil doctrine, discovering the extent to which courts can edit and narrow unenforceable provisions. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the complex world of restrictive covenants.
The Insurance Practice Group hosted a complimentary webinar on December 20, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. Central Time titled, “Bag It, Tag It: Fraud Investigation and Detection in the Claim Handling Process (Holiday Edition).”
Fraud and insurance claims are synonymous. Early investigation through SIU, recorded statements, ISO searches, underwriting details, independent medical examinations, medical record reviews and agency files are all tools for the claims professional and panel counsel in the endless pursuit of the facts. Expenses related to fraudulent claims—from presentment to ultimate coverage determination—can be contained through an efficient investigation protocol. The goal is to make the right coverage decision every time and use resources such as state insurance fraud bureaus to combat fictitious or exaggerated claims.
2024 Practice Group Webinars
For more information or for a Certificate of Completion, contact:
Brandie Smith
[email protected]