Implementation of Generative AI[i]
In an August 20, 2024, appearance on Bloomberg Technology, the Chairman and CEO of multinational cybersecurity company Palo Alto Networks, Inc. (“PANW”) estimated that 20% of employees within organizations are currently using or experimenting with the use of generative artificial intelligence technology. Further, he expressed that often organizations are unaware…
ALFA International Publications
September 25, 2024
A Practitioner’s Guide To Understanding the 2023 Amendments to Federal Rule of Evidence 702
Following more than two decades of various forms of misapplication of the “Daubert trilogy” of United States Supreme Court cases articulating the standards for admitting scientific and other forms of expert testimony, the December 1, 2023 amendments to Rule 702 have the effect of: (1) raising the admissibil…
September 25, 2024
In products liability cases, every step must be executed with precision, much like a carefully choreographed dance. A misstep in this intricate “Litigation Tango” can lead to significant financial, reputational, and operational consequences. This dance becomes ever more challenging when it involves multiple business partners, each with its own set of interests. Today’s litigious environment is cha…
September 25, 2024
You mean like – FOREVER-forever?
If you have looked at the news recently, you have probably seen headlines of all shapes and sizes about PFAS and “forever” chemicals—those man-made substances lasting thousands of years that are in most of the consumer products we use and have been detected in the bloodstream of every American who has been tested. This panel will present a brief description of what…
September 25, 2024
A. Introduction
It is extremely easy with social media to reach hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people with a simple press of an icon. Obviously, this is a great way to get important messages and information out to a broad group quickly. On the other hand, if a message is sent before giving it the proper thought, the result could be disastrous to the sender. As we push the team theme…
September 25, 2024
While product liability statutes across the United States may include slight variation, the underlying requirements to prove a design defect claim are, in a broad sense, similar. Section 2(b) of the Restatement Third, Torts: Products Liability (1998) ( “Restatement”), notes as follows:
A product . . . is defective in design when the foreseeable risks of harm posed by the product c…
September 25, 2024
Gilead Case and its Ruling
California courts pave the way for radical expansion of liability for pharmaceutical manufacturers who delay in bringing new drugs to the market. Gilead Sciences, Inc. v. Superior Court, No. A165558, 2024 Cal. App. LEXIS 14, at *14 (Cal. Ct. App. Jan. 9, 2024) (review granted).[i]
Case Background
Defendant Gilead is a pharmaceutical manufacturer which developed and sold …
September 11, 2024
The majority of lawsuits, estimated between 80-92%, settle before reaching the courtroom. There are numerous reasons for this: trials can be prohibitively expensive, incredibly time-consuming, and fraught with unpredictability. But some cases have to be tried. In this article, we delve into the nuanced tactics for preparing for a jury trial in a complex business dispute. We will cover…
September 11, 2024
“We’ve been breached!” Words that no submarine operator or business executive ever wants to hear. Cybersecurity incidents and breaches are becoming commonplace to the point where if you said you haven’t already experienced a breach or cybersecurity incident, you either don’t realize that its already occurred, or you are lying. The grim reality is that breaches are becoming more and mo…
September 11, 2024
CONGRATULATIONS! You have a judgment ordering someone to pay you money. Now What?
This article discusses how to ensure that you leave no stone unturned in your quest for recovery, including:
Enforcement Practices to Avoid
Creating Liens on the Debtor’s Property
Determining What the Debtor Owns
Levying Assets
Opposing a Claim of Exemption
Recovering Post-Judgment Costs and Interest