Nearly a decade after the enactment of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), attorneys, and often, members of the judiciary, continue to lack a basic understanding of the burdens imposed by GDPR and other foreign privacy regulations, including the ways in which GDPR compliance may be implicated by even the most basic discovery requests. This often results in an impossible choice fo…
ALFA International Publications
March 6, 2025
With AI becoming more and more pervasive in our lives, will in-house counsel look at AI singing Styx’s classic “Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto” or will they be screaming R.E.M.’s hit “It’s the End of the World as We Know It”? AI is ever-present lately in the news. The stock market loves AI companies, then hates them, then loves them again! There’s a new story every day about how someone used AI for good…
March 6, 2025
Whether in the courtroom or the boardroom, we face a variety of competing interests and unplanned events which challenge us for our attention and time. FX’s The Bear is a surprising vehicle for lessons and wisdom applicable to our workplaces. From protecting our own mental health, managing our time in the face of competing interests and unplanned events, and assisting our colleagues in hard times…
March 6, 2025
Explaining reverse discrimination
The term reverse discrimination is often used in our society today. The truth is, that term is a misnomer. Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964 prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity and national origin. Nothing in the law discusses protecting only certain…
March 6, 2025
This memorandum provides a framework for the panel discussion on international cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) with a focus on the US, Canada, and Europe. We have attempted to highlight important legal, regulatory, and operational considerations that can influence decision making, the structure, execution, and integration of international cross border M&A transacti…
March 6, 2025
This paper discusses and outlines: insurers’ extra-contractual liability and insureds’ duties of cooperation under California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts and New York law and jurisprudence; and enforcement actions brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission based on Federal Rule 23 and Teamsters. v. United States, 431 U.S. 324 (1977).
Extra-Contractual Liability (Bad Faith Cl…
November 8, 2024
[i] This article and panel presentation was inspired by the “Smokey Joe’s ‘Agony of Defeat’ Blues Saloon: Where Olympic Quality Lawyers Come to Sing the Blues” panel presentation at the ALFA 2024 International Client Seminar on March 1, 2024 presented by Christopher A. Page of the ALFA member law firm Young Moore and Henderson, Raleigh, N.C., D. Jay Davis, Jr., of the ALFA member law firm Clement …
October 9, 2024
Preparing For Mediation
It is common knowledge in today’s litigation environment that the vast majority of lawsuits – above 90% by some estimates – are resolved prior to trial; often through alternative dispute resolution processes including mediation. In many litigated cases, a scheduled mediation may become the most important event in the case instead of trial. What does this mean for companies…
October 9, 2024
Much litigation work occurs behind the scenes, outside of the courtroom setting. This session will provide an overview of the variety of pre-litigation strategies and early case processes to ensure preparation from pre-crisis to trial. The session will also discuss different handling strategies to play to each audience, whether the case is best suited for early resolution, dispositive motion pract…
October 9, 2024
Mental Health Is Not A Luxury – It Is The Gateway To The Successful Practice Of Law
“Mental health” and “work-life balance” may feel like clickbait whenever you come across those terms, but these conditions are vital ingredients to the successful practice of law. So vital, in fact, that the American Bar Association’s model rules state that a lawyer must decline or withdraw from representing a c…