Zach Hermsen

Zach Hermsen
Zach proudly represents transportation professionals throughout the United States that facilitate delivery of food, medicine, building materials, and other critical supplies to locations across the country. He is an active member of the ALFA International Transportation Group, offering a nationwide rapid-response team with the expertise to immediately and effectively respond to incidents should they arise.
Recent Results
Jury trial defense of transportation client in undisputed liability case. $1.2 million jury request from Plaintiff; $77k judgment (Iowa 2023).
Jury trial defense verdict for transportation client (Iowa 2023).
Jury trial defense verdict for homeowners sued by construction company; maximum statutory damages recovered on clients’ counterclaim for consumer fraud (Iowa 2022). Summary judgment – Secured full dismissal for national convenience store (2022).
Secured full voluntary dismissal with prejudice by other party in claims against my client, with no money paid (2022).
Bench trial Iowa Business Specialty Court defense verdict for client in business dispute; full win on client’s counterclaims (2022). Federal Circuit Court of Appeals win on first-of-its-kind argument presented to the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C. (2020).
Iowa Court of Appeals win affirming full dismissal for client (2019).
Iowa Court of Appeals win for transportation client affirming trial court ruling (2018).
Jury trial defense verdict for transportation client (Iowa 2018).
Summary judgment, full dismissal secured for national company sued for injunction (2018).
Jury trial win for homeowner in damage claim against construction contractor (Iowa 2017). Jury trial five-figure judgment defending seven-figure pretrial demand against transportation client (Iowa 2016).
Recent Results
Jury trial defense of transportation client in undisputed liability case. $1.2 million jury request from Plaintiff; $77k judgment (Iowa 2023).
Jury trial defense verdict for transportation client (Iowa 2023).
Jury trial defense verdict for homeowners sued by construction company; maximum statutory damages recovered on clients’ counterclaim for consumer fraud (Iowa 2022). Summary judgment – Secured full dismissal for national convenience store (2022).
Secured full voluntary dismissal with prejudice by other party in claims against my client, with no money paid (2022).
Bench trial Iowa Business Specialty Court defense verdict for client in business dispute; full win on client’s counterclaims (2022). Federal Circuit Court of Appeals win on first-of-its-kind argument presented to the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C. (2020).
Iowa Court of Appeals win affirming full dismissal for client (2019).
Iowa Court of Appeals win for transportation client affirming trial court ruling (2018).
Jury trial defense verdict for transportation client (Iowa 2018).
Summary judgment, full dismissal secured for national company sued for injunction (2018).
Jury trial win for homeowner in damage claim against construction contractor (Iowa 2017). Jury trial five-figure judgment defending seven-figure pretrial demand against transportation client (Iowa 2016).
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The 2023 ALFA International Transportation Seminar took place April 26-28, 2023, at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach...
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Attorney Zach Hermsen with Whitfield & Eddy Law, ALFA International's member firm in Des Moines, IA, will be...
Whitfield & Eddy Law attorneys Zach Hermsen and Anna Mallen recently received a verdict in a jury trial...