
  • Edificio Centro Empresarial Las
    Camaras, Oficina 1 Mezanine
    Av. Francisco de Orellana y
    Miguel H. Alcívar, Kennedy Norte


    +593 (4) 2681123

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Ortega Abogados & Asociados

Ortega Abogados & Asociados is one of the oldest law firms in Ecuador. Its trajectory began at the beginning of the last century (1915) and since then it has constituted a legacy for the following generations of professionals, among which Dr. Leonidas Ortega Moreira (1911 -1987) and later his children, our current directors, Doctors Gustavo and Jaime Ortega Trujillo, maintaining the vision and committed to the mission and service that characterized the personality of their ancestors,  have continued the professional practice of law, sharing it with public service and academic commitments with various universities around the country, in a joint effort with its other associate members.

The firm’s mission is to provide all kinds of legal solutions to the diverse needs of clients. As such, the firm is divided up in two areas: (i) the first, in charge of matters regarding all kinds of litigation (litigation area) managed by Dr. Jaime Ortega Trujillo as Principal Director; and, (ii) the second, the area that is in charge of various contractual, corporate and commercial matters (contractual area) in charge of Dr. Gustavo Ortega Trujillo as Principal Director, where each area have their respective Deputy Director.

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Corporate Transactions Capabilities – Ecuador

ALFA International's Ecuador member firm Ortega Abogados & Asociados' mission is to provide all kinds o...